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It takes a long time to scan, upload and update everything!
Much Love,
The Glory Girls

Thursday, November 11, 2004

NYC Veteran's Day Celebrations Intrepid Air Space Museum - November 11, 2004

After the parade, we made our way over to the Intrepid for another show.

New York City Veteran's Day Parade - November 11, 2004

Back for the NYC Veteran's Day Parade! L-R: Carolyn, Kimberly, Erica & Debbie.

Saturday, November 6, 2004

AMVETS 50th Anniversary Dinner and Officer Induction Ceremony Enfield VFW Post 18 - November 6, 2004

I was so excited! Tonight was my chance to share with my Veteran family that there was going to be a new addition to the group - a little Glory Girl or Patriot Boy!